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2024年05月21日 03:05 来源于:烟月稀财经笔记 浏览量:
THE CLEAN-ENERGY transition is doing wonders for energy nerds. Not bec

THE CLEAN-ENERGY transition is doing wonders for energy nerds. Not because of any particular policy triumph, but be­cause people beyond wonkdom are actual­ly trying to understand what they are say­ing. Several times in the past two years"en­ergy permitting", such as the approval of electricity-transmission lines, became one of the hottest legislative topics in America. Attempts at planning reform failed. But the nerds' moment in the sun is not over. Those newly captivated by provisional en­vironmental-impact statements and land­ use planning will soon turn their attention to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commis­sion (FERC), an obscure, independent agency that regulates the interstate trans­mission of energy.


In 2022 Congress passed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), a climate law full of tax incentives for clean-energy infrastruc­ture. President Joe Biden and Democrats won the support of Joe Manchin, a centrist senator for West Virginia, by promising that they would also seek to ease the cum­bersome process of obtaining permits. It can take years for solar and wind farms to be approved, and even longer for interstate transmission lines. Speeding up planning is crucial. A study from Princeton Universi­ty in 2023 found that America needs to ex­pand electricity-transmission capacity 50% faster than its recent historical rate to reap the maximum decarbonisation bene­fits of the IRA.


One way to launch a building boom would be for Congress to grant FERC the power to permit interstate transmission lines as it does for natural-gas pipelines, which sail much quicker through planning processes. But progress there has stalled. Other good ideas are floating around. One bill, from John Hickenlooper, a Democrat­ic senator for Colorado, would mandate that regions be able to transfer a certain amount of electricity between them. That could make it easier to move power around during extreme weather, reduce costs for consumers where energy is now scarce and help states meet their clean-energy-gener­ation targets.


Yet progressive Democrats are wary of rushing projects through. And though Re­publicans have long favoured making per­mits easier to get, they would like to make it easier to build fossil-fuel infrastructure, too. The result is a stalemate. The lack of congressional action leaves agencies try­ing to speed things up themselves. Enter FERC. The next few months could determine how effective the commission will prove to be for the foreseeable future, for two reasons.


First, a final rule is set to be released on May 13th that could require transmission developers to plan 20 years into the future and that works out who should pay for new interstate lines. The transmission-opposi­tion-complex is waiting. Environmental­ists and NIMBYs are suspicious of how such projects mar the landscape, and often sue to delay them. Many utilities are local monopolies, and building interstate trans­mission could introduce competition from power generators beyond their regions. "It's all about the control they have over where our power comes from, and trans­mission can disrupt that control," says Ari Peskoe, director of the Electricity Law Ini­tiative at Harvard University. Politics also threatens to get in the way. After FERC initially released its rule in 2022, 17 Republican attorneys-general ar­gued that the commission wants to inflict renewable energy on states that resist it via new transmission lines, and that it does not have authority from Congress to do so. The Supreme Court may be amenable to this argument. In West Virginia v Environ­mental Protection Agency, in 2022, the court used the "major questions doctrine" to strike down an EPA rule re gulating green­ house-gas emissions on similar grounds. It will also take time for transmission opera­ tors to comply with the new rule. Mr Pes­koe reckons that compliance and legal challenges could delay the rule's imple­mentation by several years.


The second factor that will affect FERC's power to change the energy land­scape is the commission's size: it is shrink­ing. It is supposed to be made up of five members nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate. But Mr Manchin blocked the renomination of the commis­sion's chairman in 2022, another member's term expired last year and a third commis­sioner is scheduled to leave in June. If FERC goes down to two commissioners then it loses a quorum, notes Caitlin Marquis of Advanced Energy United, a clean-energy lobby group. In that case, "they can't func­tion as a decision-making body," she adds. In February Mr Biden announced three nominees who would bring the commis­sion back to full strength-provided that they are indeed confirmed. Their nomina­tions appear uncontroversial so far, but America's toxic politics have made even energy nerds superstitious. The common refrain from the cognoscenti when con­templating the nominees' prospects is: "I don't want to jinx it."

影响FERC改变能源格局的第二个因素是该委员会的规模正在缩小。它应该由总统提名并由参议院确认的五名成员组成。但曼钦阻止了委员会主席的再次提名,这是2022年的事情,另一名成员的任期在去年到期,第三名委员将于六月离职。如果FERC人数减少到两名委员,那么它就失去了法定人数,Advanced Energy United的清洁能源游说团体的凯特琳·马奎斯指出。在那种情况下,"他们无法作为一个决策机构运作"。拜登总统在二月份宣布了三名提名人选,他们将使委员会恢复到完整人数——前提是他们确实被确认。到目前为止,他们的提名似乎没有引起争议,但美国的毒性政治使得即使是能源迷们也变得迷信。当思考提名人选的前景时,内行人的常见说法是:"我不想招惹是非。"
